Our Team
Aretha A. Paul
Aretha A. Paul
Academic Dept:
The needs of the patient come first.
Academic Division:
Value the contributions of all, blending the skills of individual staff members in unsurpassed collaboration.
Deliver the best outcomes and highest quality service through the dedicated effort of every team member.
Infuse and energize the organization, enhancing the lives of those we serve, through the creative ideas and unique talents of each employee.
Primary value:
The needs of the patient come first.
Value the contributions of all, blending the skills of individual staff members in unsurpassed collaboration.
Deliver the best outcomes and highest quality service through the dedicated effort of every team member.
Infuse and energize the organization, enhancing the lives of those we serve, through the creative ideas and unique talents of each employee.

Our center Facility Administrator is Mrs. Aretha A. Paul. She supports the medical staff and helps to keep the facility organized while coordinating communication between patients, medical director, clinical team and bio-med technicians to ensure day to day operation of the facility.

She also coordinates the transplant referrals and evaluations by facilities abroad. In addition, she arranges dialysis for patients from the United States, Turks and Caicos Islands, Switzerland and Canada. Mrs. Paul further assists traveling patients to ensure their experience for treatment provided runs as smooth as possible and is of excellent standard.

Rita’s philosophy for RenalMed Associates is: to consistently be the highest quality provider available to patients with chronic and acute renal disease. This will be accomplished by partnering with the best Nephrologists in the country, by providing the best trained professional staff in our center, by demonstrating ultimate customer service, by offering state of the art technology and by keeping patients and family informed about the disease process. Rita believes that the result is excellent patient outcomes and the best service available.

Mrs. Paul sets high standards for her and the staff to ensure that RenalMed Associates offers and provides a service to both local and international clients of the best quality.

Our Team
Our Team
Our Team